by the Master —, through Benjamin Creme
by the Master —, through Benjamin Creme
It will soon become apparent that humanity has come to an impasse through which there is no obvious pathway. The blind following of market forces has brought the nations to a standstill in their fierce battle for markets and profits.Some tread more carefully as their economies falter, while others, especially the newly rich, soldier on, intent on even greater riches and growth. Slowly it is dawning on the more experienced that all is not well, that the future looks bleaker than it should, that the everdreaded slump may not be far-off, after all. One might almost say that a new realism is beginning to show itself. In this situation there is only one way for the governments of the world to go – a way so new, so imponderable it would seem, that almost no thought has been given to its realization.
This new way is the cornerstone of Maitreya’s advice to the nations. It is a way untried and yet so obvious in its efficacy that men will be astonished by the success of their actions when it is implemented. The way is sharing, the straightforward demonstration of the oneness of men. The principle of sharing brings into manifestation the quality of divinity. When men share they will reveal themselves as potential Gods. Nothing is so truly divine as this great gesture of Brotherhood. When men see this they will enter into a new definition of themselves and will begin the establishment of the Era of Righteousness. So will it be. When Maitreya enters the lives of men and brings His counsel, a new chapter will open for men. They will know that they are not alone in this vast universe. They will know that there are many other worlds in which their Brothers work for them, saving them from much harm. Maitreya will inaugurate the era of contact with these their far off Brothers, and will establish a future of mutual interaction and service. Thus will it be.
Considered words
My friends, these are not idle dreams but the considered words of One who Knows. Take heart, therefore, and be prepared for this enlargement of your vision and capacity for service. Maitreya will show you that the way to the stars is a feasible journey of enlightenment. He will show that the units of the one life manifest themselves throughout Cosmos; that until now this knowledge has been withheld from men but will provide a sure path for future generations to follow. Much depends, therefore, on men’s response to Maitreya’s guidance. Men have indeed the choice: to remain as men stunted in the growth of their magnificence, or to become what in Truth they are, veritable Gods. Maitreya is sure that men will respond from their hearts, and that He will guide them towards their Destiny.
The above article is published in the April 2007 issue of Share International magazine. Over many years Share International magazine has published regular articles by a Master of Wisdom. Far from being mystical or remote, the Master often addresses the immediate problems facing humanity. The Master – is a senior member of the Hierarchy of the Masters of Wisdom; His name, well-known in esoteric circles, is not yet being revealed for various reasons. Benjamin Creme is in constant telepathic contact with this Master Who dictates His articles to him since 1982.