A call to the media
by the Master —, through Benjamin Creme, 12 January 2008
What prevents the acceptance – even as a hypothesis – that such a welcome event has indeed transpired? The media of the world know every facet of this information, however little they inform the public of its nature. Many of its representatives have met Maitreya, have heard Him speak, and yet stay silent themselves.
Why should this be so? What inhibits the public announcement of this welcome news? In the main the problem is fear: fear of ridicule, fear of disbelief; fear of loss, of their status or jobs; fear that they are somehow beguiled, that they did not see what they saw or hear what they heard. It is easier to set their experiences aside and to leave it to Maitreya Himself – if He does indeed exist – to come forward and show the world His factual Presence.
This view, logical enough to those who thus wait silently, shows little understanding of the Laws which govern the appearance of a Teacher of Maitreya’s stature. Many worthy Teachers come into our lives, do their work, and cause few ripples on the surface of men’s thought and action. They seldom need forerunners to prepare their way. Maitreya, however, is the World Teacher, Head of Hierarchy, and intends to serve as such for the next world cycle. His impact on humanity cannot be comprehended. His coming is a truly momentous happening, which must be prepared for beforehand, and adequately explained to men of every station. The world’s media are ideally placed to acquaint men with the true happenings of our time. They are looked to for information, and often guidance, by millions of people thirsty for the truth, for knowledge and hope.
It behoves the men and women of the media, men and women of goodwill, to acquaint themselves with this information, where necessary, and to serve the public by its serious introduction.
Then will they see Maitreya openly, ready to show us all how to set to rights the world.
The above article is published in the Jan/Feb 2008 issue of Share International magazine.http://www.share-international.org/