Maitreya’s Priorities
by the Master —, through Benjamin Creme
While the world waits, expectantly, for Maitreya, and deliverance, there still remains much to do to secure the planet and mankind. Nevertheless, men have little time to wait for Maitreya to begin His open service. Short, indeed, therefore, is the time left to prepare His way, to tell men that help and hope are at hand, that the Teacher is here, eager to speak directly to the peoples of all the nations.Speed, then, your efforts. Make haste to inform all who will listen that the destined hour has arrived, that soon mankind will rejoice in the presence of the Teacher. Tell them this and uphold their hope and courage. Many will listen now who before did not; anxiety and fear have taken their toll of men. The signs, too, have done their work and awakened millions to expected happenings and revelations. Never before in man’s history have so many sensed the coming changes nor understood their necessity.Hence, into an expectant and prepared world will Maitreya emerge, sure in the knowledge that His presence is longed for and eagerly anticipated.
Maitreya will outline for men the priorities which alone will secure and safeguard planet Earth and all its peoples. The necessity of peace is paramount for without peace all else is lost. Peace, He will affirm, can only be ensured through the creation of Justice. The lack of Justice is the begetter of both war and terrorism. Justice, Maitreya will maintain, can be achieved only through Sharing. Sharing, therefore, is the key to world peace and security.Maitreya will turn the minds of men more urgently to the ills of planet Earth, itself. Without a healthy and robust planet the future of succeeding generations is in peril. Maitreya will stress the urgency of action now to restore equilibrium to our suffering planetary home, and call all hands, old and young, to this primary task.The fate of those who now starve in a world of plenty will exercise Maitreya’s chief concern: “Nothing so moves Me to grief as this shame,” He says, and seeks to galvanize the creation of a vast programme of aid for the world’s poor on a scale hitherto unknown.These are the immediate priorities, to make fast and secure the future for men. Man’s free will is sacrosanct and may not be infringed; the speed of implementation of these primary requirements is subject, therefore, to the will of men.Men now face the choice: to see the world as One and share, and know security and blessed Peace and happiness, or to witness the end of life on Earth.Maitreya is emerging now to ensure that man’s choice is wisely made. Have no fear, Maitreya already knows man’s answer, and is glad.
Maitreya will outline for men the priorities which alone will secure and safeguard planet Earth and all its peoples. The necessity of peace is paramount for without peace all else is lost. Peace, He will affirm, can only be ensured through the creation of Justice. The lack of Justice is the begetter of both war and terrorism. Justice, Maitreya will maintain, can be achieved only through Sharing. Sharing, therefore, is the key to world peace and security.Maitreya will turn the minds of men more urgently to the ills of planet Earth, itself. Without a healthy and robust planet the future of succeeding generations is in peril. Maitreya will stress the urgency of action now to restore equilibrium to our suffering planetary home, and call all hands, old and young, to this primary task.The fate of those who now starve in a world of plenty will exercise Maitreya’s chief concern: “Nothing so moves Me to grief as this shame,” He says, and seeks to galvanize the creation of a vast programme of aid for the world’s poor on a scale hitherto unknown.These are the immediate priorities, to make fast and secure the future for men. Man’s free will is sacrosanct and may not be infringed; the speed of implementation of these primary requirements is subject, therefore, to the will of men.Men now face the choice: to see the world as One and share, and know security and blessed Peace and happiness, or to witness the end of life on Earth.Maitreya is emerging now to ensure that man’s choice is wisely made. Have no fear, Maitreya already knows man’s answer, and is glad.
(The above article is published in the October 2006 issue of
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